While some people get past their acne troubles by the time they’re 25, others encounter breakouts and skin troubles throughout adulthood. Acne is not only an embarrassing, self-esteem buster, but for many people, it’s also painful and discomforting. Naturally, anyone suffering from acne would try anything to find physical and emotional relief. Unfortunately, some end up making matters worse.
If you or someone you know is struggling with adult acne and is looking for an effective treatment, there are a few things to consider before jumping the gun. Continue reading to learn more.
Visit A Dermatologist
Yes, there are a lot of products and DIY methods out there that claim to treat acne, soothe symptoms, and eliminate dark spots. Be that as it may, not all of them are suitable for your skin. Before trying any form of acne treatment, it is best to visit a dermatologist.
As skin experts, they will ask questions and perform tests to determine your exact skin condition and potential underlying causes. Once the dermatologist has this information, they can make an informed decision on the best method of treatment whether it be lifestyle changes, over-the-counter products, or prescriptions.
May Require Multiple Solutions
With several different types of acne and underlying causes, treating the condition often requires a multi-layered approach. Along with lifestyle changes, clearing up your acne or reducing outbreaks may mean taking antibiotics, using topical solutions, or undergoing hormonal treatment. Acne sufferers should also be aware that finding the right combination of solutions could also take time.
Not All Ingredients Are Acne-Friendly
When you have acne, it’s imperative to check the ingredients of all over-the-counter skin products before using them. Although it may appear that a product can provide relief or enhance your skin’s appearance and health, it can also cause severe flare-ups.
Take biotin, for instance. How does biotin cause acne? Biotin helps the body to produce more proteins known as keratin. Since people with acne-prone skin already produce high levels of keratin, it clogs the pores and leads to cystic and inflammatory acne breakouts.
So, while taking a biotin supplement can improve the health of your hair, skin, and nails, it can cause serious problems for acne sufferers. That’s why it’s essential to not only review the list of ingredients but understand how they work.
Consistency Is Key
You can successfully treat acne by haphazardly using the treatments provided by your dermatologist. It is essential to remain consistent. Whether you’re taking pills or using topical solutions, you must use them as prescribed on a regular basis. If you start to see improvements or haven’t had a breakout in a while, do not stop your regimen. Instead, schedule a follow-up appointment with your dermatologist to determine if you should lower dosages or switch to a less aggressive approach.

It May Get Worse Before It Gets Better
When using acne treatments, dermatologists recommend that you allow six to eight weeks to pass before you start seeing positive results. During that time, patients may experience dryness, flaking, and breakouts. While any adverse symptoms or side effects should be reported right away, it’s often part of the healing process.
Unless otherwise advised by a dermatologist to stop treatment, continue with the regimen you agreed upon. Eventually, symptoms will subside and clear skin will evolve.
Be Mindful Of The Sun
Some medications and topical solutions used to treat adult acne can cause the skin to become sensitive to the sun. Ultimately, you should wear sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and if necessary long sleeves and pants to protect your skin. Lastly, avoid prolonged periods in the sun if it causes discomfort.
Acne is a common skin condition that plagues more than 80% of the population. While some people stop struggling with acne in their teens and early twenties, others suffer from painful outbreaks throughout adulthood. Luckily, there are multiple treatment options to help acne suffers achieve clearer skin and fewer flare-ups for improved confidence and health. As you try to find an effective solution for your acne, keeping the above information in mind will help make the process easier.
Images from BEAUTY SCENE EXCLUSIVE: Lilian F by Bruno Baptista – See the full story here