When planning to travel, choosing what to carry along can be challenging. You do not want to carry huge briefcases that will be tiresome on your journey. Being able to minimize your luggage but still carry the obligatory essentials to look elegant is every traveler’s dream. Below, are tips to travel light and dress elegantly at the same time.
Accessories can help change your entire outfit, making you look stylish and diverse even with the same outfit. Using the travel jewelry case can ease the burden of packaging them. Using this case, you can carry your valuable earrings and rings while keeping organized. Another advantage of wrapping your accessories together is, you can retrieve them whenever you want and can fit them in any of your briefcases.
Carry a Few Shoes
On any journey you are going, do not carry shoes in more than three pairs. For women, carry one heeled shoe for evenings’, a sneaker, and sandals. This will ensure you can get along at different events. Carrying a lot of shoes will increase your luggage, and you might not end up wearing all of them. However, for men, get a sneaker and a loafer, and you are good to go. Don’t forget to carry high-quality shoes to sustain you during your expedition. Sneakers are easy to fold and pack hence saving some space to save other accessories.
Pack Three Matching Colors
Since you are carrying just a few clothes, you must ensure that the colors of the outfits coordinate. This will help have multiple outfits when you mix them and they will be easy to wear. Research about your destination so you can choose the colors that can work well there. If you have five tops and four bottoms with matching colors, that become twenty outfits that you can wear on different days. If you add a blazer or a bomber jacket, you end up having 40 different outfits. When shopping, especially if you travel often, choose clothes with matching colors.
Travel in Exercise Attire
Traveling in exercise clothing is very crucial in your journey. The attire will make you feel comfortable, especially when traveling long distances. Another advantage of using this outfit is they are easy to fold and you can use them for casual activities.
Carry a Versatile Outfit
It is crucial to carry along one flexible outfit that can be used for official and casual events. This will serve the purpose of ensuring that you look elegant on occasion. Ensure that the outfit is simple and light to pack. A blazer and a white shirt will be enough for men as they are used for multipurpose occasions. Women can opt for a slip dress and bold earrings.
Happy Travelling
Your journey will be smooth and comfortable if you use the tips above. Pack only what you need and avoid carrying along the just-in-case ones. You can always buy new clothing at your destination. It is also vital to consider buying disposable items such as toothpaste, toiletries on your arrival as they will help save a lot of space.
Images from DSCENE STYLE STORIES: Off Season Guest by Oda Eide – See the full story here