
Fashion is Always Evolving

Fashion is Always Evolving

Fashion is always evolving, do you ever wonder how different your clothing would have been had you been born in a different time? It’s safe to say you would not be using online shopping to acquire your clothing, brands like hype and religion all have online stores now to keep up with the mass requirements for fast fashion.

We currently live in a world where it is easy to obtain the latest fashions in the blink of an eye. This infographic will take you on a journey through time and allow you to see what fashion was really like in a time where fast fashion didn’t exist! Starting in the 1950’s with the teddy boys and their rock’n’roll inspired wardrobes and all the way to the 90’s raver scene with their bright and vibrant clothing which reflected the changing times.

Even now in 2017 our fashion is still changing and taking influence from all the different eras and merging it into one! Today you can find people taking inspiration from 1970’s punk and turning into a modern delight.  Printed T-shirts are now a part of modern life taking inspiration from graphic design! Some of the best graphic T-shirts are available on hype clothing online stores which offer a wide range of quirky graphic inspired tees. Our changing world is reflected back to us through our clothing and the way we dress is no longer to impress others or keep up with the trends but more a statement which defines who we are as a person in this ever changing society we live in.

Image: Alize by Frank Mijares for Beauty SCENE

Written by admin

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