Beneath the Surface – Photographer Micheal David Adams captures this stellar series set in an ethereal underwater enviroment for Vanidad Magazine (Spain). The fresh faced Ali Collier @ Wilhelmina Models transforms into an ethereal underwater beauty with the help of makeup artist Mary Irwin. Take a look at the complete series below.

Beneath the Surface
Photography: Michael David Adams / http://www.michaeldavidadams.com/
Model: Ali Collier @ Wilhelmina Models
Makeup Artist: Mary Irwin @ Agency Gerard Management
Products used:
Yaby Pearl Paints in Tamarind and Amber Rain
CK One Color Mascara in Show
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tar in Melange
TEMPTU Airbrush Foundation in Warm Ivory
BECCA Eye tint in Gilt and Yaby Pearl Paint in Copper Ruby
CK One Color cream blush in Grace
Becca Shimmering Skin Perfecter in Opal
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tar in NSFW
MAC cosmetics Paint pot in Constructivist and Indianwood
MAC cosmetics Ruby Woo lipstick
MAC Splashproof lash mascara
Yaby Pearl Paints in Persimmon and Kamkuat.
MAC Cremeblend blush in Something Special
CK One Color Pure Color lipstick in Little Liar
CK One Color Brow Pencil in Clever Blonde
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics loose color concentrate in Mimosa and Dope
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics cream color concentrate in Grandma
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tar in Kava Kava
Becca Ultimate Mascara in Black
emptu Airpod Foundation in Warm Ivory
Temptu Airpod blush in Pale Pink
Yaby Pearl Paints in Frosted Rose, Gold Bar, and Lemonade
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tar in Femme